
Time To Change an Ugly Habit?

Time To Change an Ugly Habit?

Change Ugly Habit
SO what to do about it? If you are like me, then I know that you have tried many times to shuck that nasty habit. Sometimes only to replace it with another one, eh? Well I have certainly been there, and I am going to tell you about it.

Once upon a time there was a little girl. She was a precocious girl, oh so bad in the ways that normal children are bad. The problem though is that her parents, who were always fighting and breaking up, often thought it was entertaining to have this little girl puff on a cigarette, or drink a beer. Everybody would say go on honey, take a puff. SO she did. She had to prove what a big girl she was to the grownups didn't she?
Shortly after that she had developed quite a taste for cigarettes and her mother always kept a large supply on hand. She would steal them from her mother and then smoke them with her friends. She was so sure that the smoking made her seem cool to them. Well it did didn't it?
Episodes like this one are more common than you think. The most embarrassing thing that I ever heard as an adult was that I had taught someone else how to smoke. But it was true. I was a hard core smoker. Two packs a day from age eleven on. I was content with my smoking, never wanted to quit. Why? It wasn't bothering me at all. We all know those cranky old people that have smoked all of there life and their fine right? Right.
Then I started to get bronchitis. Often. Then those instances of bronchitis turned into pneumonia. More and more simple colds were turning into serious medical issues. A small respiratory infection would put me in the hospital and off work for a week or more. It was ridiculous, and it had to change. This became my ten year long effort to quit smoking.
Patches gum hypnosis... you name it and I tried it. I could always get over the detox hump, but I could never stick with it. After ten years I finally had enough and decided to recruit my doctor's help. Withe help and guidance of my doctor I enrolled in a smoking cessation program. This involved an new medication, weekly group therapy sessions. Once a month I met with a medication counselor to determine my needs in that area.
It was tough to make my classes, but I did it. Before I knew what had happened eight weeks had gone by. Then in the quick blink of an eye it was three moths! At this point I felt secure about stopping the meds, but I continued my sessions. I was so excited that everyone could see it and they began joining me! By the end of six months I had five coworkers on the program with me, and I was solidly a non smoker.
It was really tough, but I'm here six years later and still smoke free. It was the best decision I ever could have made for my health. And I haven't been sick once since!
So now here is where I point out the things you really need to know. When changing a habit, you need to start with a plan! Here are the steps that I believe work s best;
1. Map it out. Say what you're gonna do precisely, and give yourself a due date!
2. Find help. If it's food addiction or nicotine or drugs there are thousands of free programs with confidential support out to help you. For anything else engage your loved ones and friends. Something as simple as telling them out loud what you're going to do can solidify it and keep you accountable!
3. Expect to trip every now and then. You're human. Forgive yourself and get back with our plan! There's no reason to throw out all of the hard work that you've done up to that point!
4. Celebrate your wins!! Each step of the process is so so challenging! Set benchmarks in your progress and when you pass them celebrate! Do something good for yourself to cement your success! This will create this neural pathways that equate success with reward.
I hope that whatever you set out to do will be successful, and I hope that I have helped you along the way!

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